Ph.D. Fellowships at Central European University in Budapest.
Last Updated: November, 2007                   A List of All Recommendations                   Back to index page

We recommend that The Templeton Foundation fund four competitive fellowships for Ph.D. candidates specializing in a field of mathematics supported by the Central European University in Budapest.

The headquarters for the Central European University in Budapest is the Renyi Institute and the curricular focus is on Ph.D. training in mathematics. The level of research at Renyi is world class, but the Ph.D. Program at CEU is at a significant competitive disadvantage due to lack of funding for highly talented students. Here, as with the masters level program described in the second section, the competition for such talent is largely with the premier research universities in the United States.

Too, it is formidable. However, should the financial incentives become even, we feel we would compete quite well. This is because we offer a highly attractive learning alternative. This alternate style of learning mathematics is characterized by introducing the student to a world of highly charged mathematical ideas while providing the intellectual tools necessary to create deep understanding. The Hungarian model is at once personal, intense, demanding and supportive. And itŐs fun. Here is a model where creativity, success and insight are celebrated but so too is the courage to try hard even if failure is the result. Here is a model where intellectual courage has room and incentive to develop.
